Add users and share access

Invite your team and give others access to your Textmagic account.
Create unique logins and assign specific permissions based on your needs.
Unified team inbox
Enable your team to manage all communications from a single shared phone number.
Real-time collaboration
See who is responding to customer messages to facilitate better collaboration and teamwork.
Individual secure logins
Eliminate the risks of shared passwords with personal logins for each team member.

Simplified user management for your team

Easily manage team members within our platform. Invite new users, set access levels, and collaborate more efficiently.
Add unlimited users
You can add as many users as you need. There are no limits to how many users you can have. Add 10 or 10,000 users.
Expand your team without extra costs
Adding users to your team is completely free. You pay only for the services used. Balance is shared with all users.
Collaborate on chats in real-time
Engage in real-time conversations with customers or partners and collaborate with your team from within the Messenger interface.
Customize access levels
Tailor permissions for each team member, giving them the right access that balances operational security with the convenience of managing day-to-day tasks.
Access shared contacts and lists
Users can easily access and utilize the shared contact database and all virtual numbers available in the workspace, enhancing coordination and outreach efforts.
Check team statements & control costs
We show all costs per user as well as the total cost for the entire company, so you can always be sure you are not spending more than budgeted.

How user management can improve business processes

SMS marketing campaigns require a lot of hard work and planning, even if you are using the Textmagic solution. Adding users and sharing access will help you:
Follow-up in real time
Having multiple team members with access to the Textmagic platform will improve SMS management and ensure that you follow up with subscribers faster.
Target SMS marketing efforts
Share access to specific SMS marketing tasks among team members, enabling more personalized and impactful messaging through collaborative effort.
Have more control
Collaborate with team members who have specialized knowledge of various company aspects, leading to more refined and impactful business SMS strategies.

Learn how businesses like yours use Textmagic

Here is how the Textmagic business texting platform is helping businesses daily to grow their revenue and improve their productivity.

User management FAQ

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Why share access with users on Textmagic?
  • Unified team inbox: Your team members can manage all communications from a single shared phone number.
  • Real-time collaboration: Quickly see who is responding to customer messages to enhance teamwork.
  • Individual secure logins: Improve security with personal logins for each team member, eliminating the risk of shared passwords.
  • Customizable access levels: Adjust permissions to ensure each team member has the appropriate level of access.
  • Shared contacts and lists: By default, users have access to a centralized contact database and can manage lists.
How to add users to the Textmagic workspace?

Adding and utilising the users feature is completely free. You can add an unlimited number of users:

1. Navigate to the Users page -> click Add users.
2. Type email addresses, select user roles, and click Send invites.

Once your team member accepts the user invite, you will see them under the Active users tab.

How does a user differ from a sub-account?

Note: Starting May 2024, sub-account creation will no longer be supported for new Textmagic account registrations.

  • Collaboration: Users collaborate within a single workspace and Chat, while sub-accounts act like separate entities for different departments or projects.
  • Sender settings: Users share virtual numbers for texting, while sub-accounts have their own unique sender configurations.
  • Contacts management: Users have access to all contact lists, allowing comprehensive customer engagement and data management, while lists on sub-account lists are private.
Can I have more than one workspace?

No, Textmagic does not offer this feature at the moment. To have a new workspace, you need to register a new and separate Textmagic account.