SMS notifications vs. push notifications: Which one is right for your business?

Understand the distinct features of SMS notifications and push notifications with this quick guide. We'll clarify how each works and their respective benefits, helping you decide which notification type best suits your communication needs.

Raluca Mocanu February 7, 2024
Raluca Mocanu Raluca Mocanu is a copywriter at Textmagic and began her content writing journey in 2016. She loves traveling, reading, on-stage drama and recently discovered a deep interest in psychology.
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Raluca Mocanu Raluca Mocanu is a copywriter at Textmagic and began her content writing journey in 2016. She loves traveling, reading, on-stage drama and recently discovered a deep interest in psychology.
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Why use SMS marketing?
  • SMS product launch checklist
  • 1. Create a product launch plan
  • 2. Generate awareness and engagement before the launch
  • 3. Make an impression on launch day
  • 4. Keep the excitement going post-launch
  • New product launch message samples
  • Conclusions